
Youth on Track diversion program featured on Nine News

Written byChristine Tondorf
Published on03 Nov, 2023


Youth on Track is an early intervention service for 10 – 17 year olds which helps youth to identify issues, work on solutions, reduce risky behaviour and make positive life choices. Social Futures delivers the program in the Coffs-Harbour-Grafton region and has supported more than 700 young people through Youth on Track in the past seven years. This achievement was featured on Nine News in regional NSW.

Youth on Track is an early intervention service for 10 – 17 year olds which helps youth to identify issues, work on solutions, reduce risky behaviour and make positive life choices.

Social Futures delivers the program in the Coffs-Harbour-Grafton region and has supported more than 700 young people through Youth on Track in the past seven years.

This achievement was featured on Nine News in regional NSW.

The scheme offers intensive one on one support to young people who have had formal contact with police.

Each young person is allocated a Case Manager and each case plan is tailor-made and targeted to the needs of the young person.

The key principles of the Youth on Track model include:
* intervening earlier to divert young people from the criminal justice system
* one-on-one case management to manage and support juvenile offenders and those at risk of offending separating treatment from punishment * responding to risk and need rather than simply to crime
*responding promptly to enable a response to an immediate problem.

Social Futures Youth on Track program is funded by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice.

Learn more about the program here.