We believe that reconciliation is everyone’s business. Our vision is for genuine relationships, strong partnerships and connection between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We acknowledge that access and connection to country, knowledge and people supports everyone’s well being. We celebrate this within our Reconciliation Action Plan.
Our Reconciliation Action Plan is not just a document, we want it to be a living project that:
After many years’ work by a dedicated working group of staff, management and local Community Members, our new Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2023–2025 has been endorsed by Reconciliation Australia. See our full RAP in our publications.
Launch celebrations
Our 2023–2025 Reconciliation Plan will be launched during Reconciliation Week 2024. If you would like to be involved, or kept informed of these events, or if you would like to join in on our community consultations, please contact [email protected]
Ongoing consultations
We recognise we are still at the early stages of our reconciliation journey and we look forward to working with more Aboriginal people throughout our footprint as our Plan and our journey unfolds. We want to engage and consult with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and we always welcome input from Aboriginal people into our programs.
Created an external Aboriginal Advisory Panel to include First Nations perspectives in decision-making at Social Futures.
Have First Nations representation on the RAP Working Group, RAP Implementation Group, Social Futures Board, and external Aboriginal Advisory Panel. This ensures different perspectives are considered in our decision-making process.
Now have dedicated roles supporting reconciliation at Social Futures, such as our Senior Manager Aboriginal Leadership and Engagement and our Reconciliation and Engagement Coordinator. This shows our commitment to reconciliation and our Reconciliation Action Plan.
All new and existing staff are learning about our organisation’s reconciliation efforts, including the Social Futures Reconciliation Action Plan and seven Steps to Practical Reconciliation.
Created, and will continue to develop, Our Mob group, to support First Nations employment, retention, and culturally safe workplaces.
Established a Keeping Place for Bundjalung language in our new Lismore office to show respect and recognition for the Bundjalung Nation.
Increased the budget for consultations, sponsorship, merchandise, professional development, and celebrations related to reconciliation.
Celebrated and communicated important First Nations dates and will continue to provide representation and support at community events.
Delivered Strengthening Days workshops for early childhood and family support workers through the Better Chances Forum. This provides a healing and collaborative space for First Nations stakeholders.
Currently, seven per cent of our staff identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. Our goal is to increase this number to ten per cent.
During the last Innovate RAP period, we spent over $400,000 with Aboriginal owned businesses.
We committed to supporting the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the Voice to Parliament. Internally, we shared specific information; externally, we made public statements in support, and have joined the RAP Partner Statement.