Homelessness and Housing

We all deserve somewhere safe to call home.

Social Futures has a range of services to support people who are experiencing homelessness, at risk of homelessness, or in unstable housing.

If you need support in finding somewhere to live we have a range of services that can help. Please click on the links below to find the right service for you. 

Important note: Social Futures does not provide temporary or crisis accommodation. If you are experiencing homelessness and need emergency accommodation please call Link2Home 1800 152 152 or follow this link to a range of 24 hour emergency contacts.

In 2022, we put together a Northern Rivers housing fact sheet and our position in regards to the need for investment in social and affordable housing. If you would like to read them, please click on the names below for a link:

> Northern Rivers housing fact sheet 
> Social Futures housing and homelessness position statement

A teen boy holding up a key. Text  reads: do you have the key to youth housing?

Hands Of Family Together Holding House In Green Park

Do you have any questions?

Contact us and we will help you as soon as possible


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