
Photo exhibit expresses ‘disability pride’ on International Day of People with Disability 

Written byChristine Tondorf
Published on14 Dec, 2022

On International Day of People with Disability (Saturday December 3), a unique exhibition of photos expressing Disability Pride will go on display.  

Sixteen people with different disabilities participated in the five-week Photovoice – Disability Pride project led by Social Futures, NDIS Partner in the Community. 

“Photovoice is a form of photographic storytelling, each week the participants took photo that helped them to express how they felt about a topic relating to disability pride,” said Social Futures Capacity Building and Engagement Manager Lynda Hope. 

“The topics were ‘I love being me because…’, ‘inclusion’, ‘courage’ and ‘pride’. The group shared their photos and the accompanying artist statements with each other at the weekly sessions and discussed what the specific topics meant for their life and their lived experience of disability,” said Ms Hope. 

“The project was really powerful for the people involved, it’s delivered in a really supportive way that helps the participants to feel safe and explore thoughts, feelings and perspectives about topics that aren’t usually talked about,” said Ms Hope.  

The exhibition on 3rd December showcases 64 unique images and narratives that document the experiences of people with disability and their journey towards ‘disability pride’. 

“These beautiful photos show the reality of the photographers’ lives to the community – they illuminate challenges, celebrate triumphs and hopefully will also prompt the broader community to have a deeper appreciation of the lives of people with disability and the issues that affect them.” said Ms Hope 

The photos will be on display as part of the International Day of People with Disability event at Kingscliff Community Hall, Marine Parade, Kingscliff between 9am-2pm on Saturday 3rd December 2022. 

If you are interested in being part of future Photovoice – Disability Pride groups with Social Futures, call 1800 522 679 or email [email protected] 

PHOTO: Artist Vanessa –

Artist’s Statement

I take pride in who I am

I take pride in what I can create

One of my creations is QuackStar who is a creative magical duck with magical rainbow wings

He takes pride in bringing hope, love and magic to the world