This week is Children’s Week in Australia, the annual week focussing attention on the nation’s community of children and their achievements. It also celebrates the right of children to enjoy their childhood – and what better place to enjoy childhood than at Clubhouse Lismore.
Clubhouse youth worker Sean Spencer said the clubhouse, which has reopened post-lockdown, runs after-school science, technology, engineering, arts and maths workshops for 12- to 18-year-olds.
“We have a whole bunch of robots, really cute and fun robots, we learn how to program them, how to drive them around and do challenges and things with the robots,” he said.
“We have these things called Little Bits, which are snap-together components so you can make up like little electronic gadgets from scratch. We also have film and photography workshops on the iPads and much, much more.”
Mr Spencer said pre-lockdown the clubhouse, which had been running for five years, had an ‘awesome vibe’ and he was keen to welcome back the 10 to 20 young people who regularly dropped in afterschool and newcomers.
Clubhouse Lismore is open 3.30pm to 6pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday and youth can visit on a drop-in basis. It runs from the basement of the Lismore Music Conservatorium, at 152 Keen St Lismore.