Better Chances Forum

About the Better Chances Forum

The Better Chances Forum (BCF) is a collaboration supporting better chances for children, young people, their families and communities to lead safe, healthy and happy lives. We focus on early intervention and prevention to keep families together. We bring together people from organisations and groups across the Bundjalung, Yaegl, Gumbaynggirr Country (Northern Rivers of NSW) to:

  • connect, reflect and build our practice
  • share information and build relationships
  • act to work more supportively alongside children, young people, their families and communities.
  • create space for storytelling to explore what’s working and not working in our service systems — to understand challenges, gaps and opportunities— and communicate these stories to decision-makers.

BCF currently has more than 400 members from over 75 community, government and private-sector organisations.

Some BCF projects are supported through the Department of Communities and Justice, Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) Program. This program is part of Social Futures Early Intervention Connect (EIC) Program which supports and builds TEI provider capabilities, including connection with BCF members and activities.

How to get involved in BCF? 

BCF membership is open to any organisation, group, service or individual who supports the purpose of BCF

BCF Projects

  • BCF monthly connection sessions consistent opportunity for early intervention practitioners and related stakeholders to connect, reflect and build their practice. Sessions are scheduled at the same time every month (third Wednesday of the month) and are facilitated online or face to face. Find out more here
  • Better Chances Forum Engagement Practice Project and Resource The Resource brings together learning and stories from BCF members and stakeholders to help shape, build and share how we engage children, young people and their families and communities. Find out more and download the resource here
  • The Better Chances Engagement Practice Forum held on 15 March 2023 at Ballina RSL Club. Find information about the event, including photos from the day and PowerPoint Presentations at this link
  • Strengthening Days for First Nations early childhood and family support workers Culturally led healing and connection spaces for First Nations workers who support children and families in the Northern Rivers of NSW. Strengthening Days have been held regularly in the Northern Rivers since 2019. Find out more here
  • Strengthening trauma responsive support  In 2019 Social Futures Early Intervention Connect (EIC) program began exploring opportunities to enhance and strengthen trauma responsive support in Northern NSW.  We are now working on bringing together learnings from Cultural Trauma Informed Care Training, reflective workshops and projects into communication piece for the sector. Find out more here
  • Community consultation Better Chances Forum supported Families Australia to hold a consultation with Northern Rivers community about the Future of the National Child and Family Wellbeing Policy. Read more here
  • Community consultation Better Chances Forum delivered a joint Submission to the NSW Government, Their Futures Matter reform (access system redesign discussion paper). Read more here
  • Right Support. Right Time. 2019 Better Chances Regional Forum Held on 13 June 2019 at Lennox Head explored what we need to operate in a more trauma responsive way and to connect children, young people and families with the right support at the right time. Read more here



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