Families, Youth

Clubhouse Ballina helps youth re-connect in the pandemic

Written byChristine Tondorf
Published on23 Feb, 2022
Clubhouse Ballina

Clubhouse Ballina has re-opened and is giving young people the chance to connect and socialise with friends after a year of Covid outbreaks and lockdowns in 2021. 

Clubhouse Ballina Program Worker Matt Hill said the pandemic had not interrupted the lives of young people on the Northern Rivers to the extent that it had in Sydney and Melbourne, but that’s not to say they were unscathed. 

“Many young people are feeling anxious and stressed, like their parents,” Mr Hill said.

“Coming along to Clubhouse Ballina could be part of the journey of socialising and re-connecting for some young people, and there are other services in our community for youth and families in need.” * 

Mr Hill said the clubhouse was a place where young people could be carefree and creative. 

“Clubhouse Ballina has some brilliant hi-tech diversions, which I know young people enjoy,” he said.

“Kids can make music, art and do some really cool STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) projects. 

“We want young people, aged 12 to 18 years, coming through our doors and leaving their Covid worries and stress behind.” 

Mr Hill said during teenage years, young people are discovering themselves and their interests and they learn about friendship. 

“Many young people feel that the pandemic is cheating them out of those formative years, which is why it’s so important for youth to come to places like Clubhouse Ballina and re-engage. 

“At Clubhouse Ballina we have a green screen studio set up, perfect for young people who write scripts, rehearse, and record original narratives along the lines of comedic news. 

“I’m so happy to see the way technology gets used when young people’s imaginations are free.  The key here is that the technology, the physical and mental space of Clubhouse Ballina is designed for young people to feel safe, creative and collaborative.   

“The podcast station is always popular allowing young people to have immersive conversations about what is meaningful in their lives.” 

Clubhouse Ballina, at 32 Swift Street, Ballina is open on Wednesdays, 3:30-6pm during the school term.

You can contact Clubhouse Ballina by phoning: 02 6620 1800 or email: [email protected] 

Clubhouse Ballina is proudly funded by the NSW Government.



* Headspace Lismore has a range of services available to support young people and is open Monday to Friday 9am –5pm. To access headspace Lismore contact 02 6625 0200.  You can also speak to your GP or another trusted health professional about mental health concerns.  If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 000.  You can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800.