Social Futures’ Community Aged Care Sector Support program supports the development of the home support service system in the Northern Rivers Region of NSW. We focus on building connections and practice between services and with other stakeholders – to support senior Australians to exercise choice and control to live in their homes and keep connected to their communities.
We are working collaboratively with community aged care services, assessment services and the broader health and community services sectors to build capacity through the transition to the new Support at Home Program commencing in 2024.
With Aged Care services in a time of transition and change, as part of the reform adjustments Social Futures’ no longer delivers this program.
Ongoing support for carers can be accessed through organisations such as Carer Gateway, Dementia Australia, Dementia Support Australia and My Aged Care.
Please see further details in the Resources section below.
The Community of Practice meets every two months. It includes community, government and private sector organisations delivering community aged care services, sector and service system development, community development and education in the Northern Rivers/ Far North Coast region of NSW. It focuses on sharing information, continued development of good practice and identifying strategies for collaboration to enhance local and regional community aged care services, collegial support, pathways and responsiveness to community need.