Advocacy, Housing

Social Futures welcomes pledge to build more rental properties

Written byChristine Tondorf
Published on15 Mar, 2023
Social Futures Ceo Tony Davies Met With The Nsw Shadow Minister For Housing And Homelessness Rose Jackson, And Member For Lismore, Janelle Saffin to talk about funding for a Build-to-Rent program

Social Futures CEO Tony Davies has met with the NSW Shadow Minister for Housing and Homelessness, Rose Jackson, and Member for Lismore, Janelle Saffin, to discuss the continuing housing and homelessness emergency in the Northern Rivers and funding for a Build-to-Rent program.

Ms Jackson and Ms Saffin announced that NSW Labor would invest a further $30 million for a Build-to-Rent program in the Northern Rivers region if it wins office in the March 25 state election.

“This is a great first step and we call on all parties to match this commitment,” Mr Davies said.

“With the loss of so much housing in the floods, there is an acute shortage of affordable rental in the region.  We see this with the number of homeless working families who seek support from us.  We see it in the difficulty our workers have finding accommodation.

“More is needed, including a commitment to build more social housing – something that our major parties have avoided so far in the campaign – but this commitment will make such a difference.”

Build-to-rent housing is large-scale, purpose-built rental housing that is held in single ownership and professionally managed. Build-to-rent housing can provide more rental housing in areas where people want to live. You can learn more about the Build-to-Rent program here >>

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