Health, Press

New mental health service for the Hunter

Written byBrooke Billett
Published on19 Jul, 2024
Two women facing sunset wrapped in orange blankets


Medicare Mental Health Centre launched on Friday 12 July in Muswellbrook. The service is being delivered by Social Futures.

Medicare Mental Health Centre launched on Friday 12 July in Muswellbrook. The service is being delivered by regional not-for-profit organisation, Social Futures through a central hub in Muswellbrook and the surrounding LGAs of Scone and Singleton via outreach.

The launch was attended by dignitaries, program workers, allied health partners and Social Futures’ leadership team. The Hon Assistant Minister Emma McBride (Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, and Assistant Minister for Rural and Regional Health) and Federal Member for Hunter, Dan Repacholi MP officiated at the launch.

A much-needed new service

Federal Member for Hunter, Dan Repacholi MP, welcomed the introduction of the new service.

“Access to mental health services and support has never been more important for people in the Hunter.

“The new Medicare Mental Health Centre is a welcome addition and will offer ongoing support for people across our community who are struggling with their mental health.”

Delivering quality mental health care for the Upper Hunter

Social Futures CEO Tony Davies said,

“Medicare Mental Health Centre delivers quality mental health care for the Upper Hunter community. The service can help if you are facing challenges as diverse as family relationship breakdowns, financial pressures, substance use or work challenges. There’s a skilled team here to support you and connect you to more specialised care if needed.

“It’s been a tough few years, with cost-of-living pressures, the pandemic and a lot of change and uncertainty.

“It’s understandable that many people are feeling stressed and often pushed to the limit.

“You should not hesitate to reach out for support – it’s an act of bravery that should be applauded.”

Medicare Mental Health Centre is funded by the Australian Government, commissioned by Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network and delivered by Social Futures.

How to access the service

Medicare Mental Health Centre is now open 7 days a week! Upper Hunter residents can access this free service in Muswellbrook, Singleton, and Scone, with no referral needed. People seeking support can walk through the door of the Muswellbrook Medicare Mental Health Centre at 160 Bridge Street, or call the national helpline on 1800 595 212 to book an appointment.

  • Mon 10am – 7pm
  • Tues 10am – 5pm
  • Wed 10am – 7pm
  • Thurs 10am – 7pm
  • Fri 10am – 5pm
  • Sat and Sun 12pm – 4pm

You can learn more about the service by visiting the Muswellbrook Medicare Mental Health Centre page.


Federal Member for Hunter, Dan Repacholi MP, The Hon Assistant Minister Emma McBride (Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, and Assistant Minister for Rural and Regional Health) and Social Futures CEO Tony Davies
(Left to right) Federal Member for Hunter, Dan Repacholi MP, The Hon Assistant Minister Emma McBride (Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, and Assistant Minister for Rural and Regional Health) and Social Futures CEO Tony Davies