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World Dwarf Games releases medal tally

…team. Maree is employed as a a Community Engagement LAC by Social Futures – an NDIS partner in the community. Maree has achondroplasia , the most common form of dwarfism,…

What makes a job great?

…use your skills for good, to work toward creating a better world, and to give back to your community, come work for Social Futures. At Social Futures, the work we…

From bugs to hugs – life is looking up

…always wants to hug you! She hugs you 10 times in 10 minutes!” exclaims Broken Hill Local Area Coordinator Angela Turner, speaking of her National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participant…

New mental health service for the Hunter

…surrounding LGAs of Scone and Singleton via outreach. The launch was attended by dignitaries, program workers, allied health partners and Social Futures’ leadership team. The Hon Assistant Minister Emma McBride…


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My Friend Franklin

…awareness program for Central Western NSW schools. It supports young people to explore and discuss the topic of disability, and shows that ultimately, friends come in all shapes and sizes….


…about the thousands of lives we have made a difference to this year and the hundreds of committed staff who made it possible. Visit our about page or contact us….

A Will to Achieve

Twenty-five years ago Will suffered extensive injuries in a car accident and spent six weeks in a coma. He broke his back, shattered his pelvis, and his right leg was…

Northern NSW faces critical housing stress

…governments have the ability to deliver low-cost housing on scale in northern NSW. The National Emergency Management Agency found 1,337 residential properties in the Northern Rivers were badly damaged during…

Rental affordability crashes: new report

…deliver a life-changing Budget by investing in 25,000 social housing properties each year, and boosting income support, including Commonwealth Rent Assistance.”   Learn about how Social Futures is providing Housing…

Care factor makes all the difference for Rocky

…seen many changes in the disability support sector and has even been inspired to start a charity, Hearts in Union (, which supports people injured through playing rugby union. Since…