Homelessness Week Web Image. With copy that reads Homelessness Action Now!


The problem of homelessness can seem enormous and overwhelming, but there are simple actions we all can take to help in our communities.


I am a Real Estate Agent. How can I help?

There are plenty of ways you can help – and WE can help YOU too! One of the most important things you do is keep an eagle on on tenants who you think might be struggling, and link them with support. The sooner support is accessed, the better the outcome.

Did you know our Connecting Home Program can help you to help your tenants maintain their tenancy? Have a look at our Information for Real Estate Agents here or contact our Connecting Home Team on 1800 719 625.


I am a Community Member. How can I help?

Sometimes it is just the little things that can mean a lot and have a big impact. For example, just stopping to say hello to someone who is homeless costs nothing, but is incredibly important. Sometimes people just want to be seen and acknowledged.

There are other ways you could help too. One is by learning more about homelessness, and they many myths which circle around people who are homeless, so you can set the record straight when you hear them.

Download our Homelessness Week Myths and Facts here.

Or read our article about more Simple Things We Can All Do here.


I am a Tenant, and I could do with some support.

We know times are incredibly challenging right now and many people are being pushed to their brink with cost of living pressures, rising rates and rents on top of flood recovery.  The most important thing to do, if you are struggling, even just a bit, is to seek support early.

Our Connecting Home Team will offer support to help you to maintain your tenancy and stay housed. Call Connecting Home on 1800 719 625.

You can also read our article Struggling to Pay Rent? Take Action Now. If you are struggling to pay rent and worried about becoming homeless, it lists steps you can take to help prevent this from happening.

You can also download our Fact Sheet, Information for Tenants here, which outlines steps you can take to maintain your tenancy.


The theme for 2024 Homelessness Week is Take Action Now. We can all take action to help prevent homelessness in our communities. Don’t wait to act. Take Action Now. #HW2024